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The Melbourne Map Illustration update as at 28 June 2018

Great progress this last month with more than half of the CBD buildings now inked on to The Melbourne Map.  Here are some progress photos.


We’ve had quite a few people take up our invitation to visit the studio. The amazing response and awe expressed when people see the illustration up close is heartwarming. Visitors say they have a greater appreciation of the work involved and the most asked question of Lewis is “how is your eyesight?”

If you would like to see the artwork in progress, we are based in a small studio in Geelong.  We are here Monday to Friday so send me an email if you plan to visit and we can make sure we’re here (sometimes we have to go out to meetings or research trips)

We are always grateful for your support of The Melbourne Map Project.   

Another way you can support the project is to follow us on facebook and instagram and keep spreading the word about the project.

Until the next update…..

Kind regards


P.S. if there is anything you’d like to know about The Melbourne Map project shoot me an email at
